The Philadelphia Spirit Experiment

How to Give Your Heart an Attack

Do you find music to lack the soul you are looking for? Could you use a shot of life in your life? Why not get yourself some one-of-kind, handcrafted tunes ... in the "sound" you choose? ($18.99 tape - 29.00 mini-disc)

We'll put together a collection of songs from the various projects of The Phildelphia Spirit Experiment... just fill in the info. below:

Please describe your special request below:

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If the order is to be shipped outside of the USA, please check here. (An additional $3.50 will be added to your total.)

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Please choose your listening format:

  • Cassette tape - $18.99 Plus PA sales tax when shipped within the state
    Use Dolby B noise reduction
    Record without noise reduction

  • Mini-Disc (Sony compatible)

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