Medical Services Management
Concorde manages government mandated and company policy
required medical services. From on-site physicals(performed
by Concorde staff), to clinic based services, Concorde assures
that medical services are accurate, cost effective and
performed as requested. In addition, Concorde pays providers and gives you one consolidated bill.
Concorde's comprehensive medical services management system includes:
- Medical provider location,credentialling and monitoring- Concorde will identify high quality, geographically appropriate medical providers. Once identified, these providers are thoroughly credentialed including review of licenses, insurances and certification of staff. On an ongoing basis, Concorde monitors the performance of these providers and maintains a database of the status of the provider's credentials.
- Automated scheduling of medical services- Concorde will maintain a database of your employees requiring services and the type of service required. Concorde then notifies the employee of the service and schedules the employee with the appropriate provider.
- Development and management of on-line records system- Concorde electronically captures the results of medical services and downloads the information to client companies. In addition,Concorde receives and manages hard copies of the results.
- Medical review and quality assurance of results- Concorde's medical professional review all medical results for completeness, quality and soundness of determinations.
- Automated reimbursement of medical providers- Concorde handles all reimbursement of providers, submitting one audited consolidated bill to our clients.
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