Pet Detective
Sound Files
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"Do NOT go in there... whooo!"
"Gee, let me think. Mmm.... sure." [unzip]
"He found Captain Winky!"
"Holy testicle Tuesday!"
"I can't do it Captain, I don't have the powerrr!"
"I have excorsized the demons! This house is clear."
"Damnit Jim, I'm a doctor not a pool man!"
"Hi. I'm looking for Ray Finkel... [shotgun cocking] and a clean pair of shorts."
"It's alive! HAHAHAHHA!!"
"Like a glove."
"Loser. Loo-hoo-sa-herrr."
"Luvly party. Pity I wasn't invited."
"No, the guy with the rubber glove was surprisingly gentle."
"Uzuboodoodoodoo? Uzuboo... zubudadoodoo!"
"Captain's log, stardate 23.9 rouded off to the nearest decimal point........"
"We're goin' downtown."
"Maybe I'll give you a call sometime. Your number still 911? All righty then."