Impact Technology, Inc. is blazing new trails in the audio market. We would be remiss if we didn't share that news with you. Below are the latest news blurbs, articles and reviews of the Impact Technology line.

The Impact Vento was chosen as "best semi-budget" product introduction at HiFi 98 by Robert Greene of TAS. The Vento also recieved no less than three favorable mentions from the stereophile review contingent – Along with a photo!


Impact is showing at CES '99 in Las Vegas with E.A.R. See us at the Alexis park, room XXX. We will be showing the much talked about Vento transmission line speaker.


Stay tuned for 1999 product information including the Mistral and Ghibli. Two transmission line dual woofer D'Appolito designs (targeted at $2,200 and $4,900 respectively).


Impact showed at the HiFi '98 show in Los Angeles. This major high end audio event is at the Westin LAX hotel. We introduced our Vento two way loudspeaker which retails for $2,800.00 and bass performance flat to 30Hz from a 6.5" woofer!!.