>...and here's their reply.
>Return-Path: dingj@bepc3.ihep.ac.cn
>Received: from BEPC3.IHEP.AC.CN (bepc3.ihep.ac.cn []) by
walrus1.walrus.com (8.8.4/8.6.9/ad) with SMTP id BAA09646 for
<proteus@walrus.com>; Fri, 14 Feb 1997 01:29:29 -0500 (EST)
>From: dingj@bepc3.ihep.ac.cn
>Received: by bepc3.ihep.ac.cn (MX V4.0-1 VAX) id 30; Fri, 14 Feb 1997 14:30:45
>Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 14:30:44 CST
>To: proteus@walrus.com
>Message-ID: <009AFE0C.2052C900.30@bepc3.ihep.ac.cn>
>Subject: RE: Greetings from "The Membrane Domain"
>Nice to meet you on the net and thank you for all the
>encouragement. I visited your page with great interest
>and found it very interesting, impressive and informative.
>>Please accept our invitation to engage in dialogue.
>Great. I would like to keep contact with you and I am
>insterested in listening your progress.
cool... i've been giving some thought to this culture thing
why don't we start by having our welcome page (http://membrane.com/welcome2.html) translated into as many different languages as possible?