>X-POP3-Rcpt: capn@lyonesse
>Return-Path: Jemezs@aol.com
>From: Jemezs@aol.com
>Date: Tue, 18 Feb 1997 00:27:55 -0500 (EST)
>To: capn@membrane.com
>Subject: Re: fractal
>Tim -
>I just got this from Terran Interactive, I use thier Movie Cleaner Pro.
>Interesting Fractal based clearVideo. Not sure about fractals, I'll have to
>do some more homework.
>Dear Multimedia Developer -
>Terran Interactive, makers of Movie Cleaner Pro, wants to let you know about
>a major change in low data-rate QuickTime codecs that happened earlier this
>week. Iterated Systems has announced a massive price cut on their fractal-bas
>ed ClearVideo codec - they just dropped the price from $995 to $395 for a
>three month period! If you are making fast-start QuickTime for your WWW
>site, this is the best codec available.
>In a message dated 2/17/97 08:04:48 PM, you wrote:
>>this is an email i sent out to some mathmaticians.
>>do you know anything about fractals?
>>psehelp thinks our experiment is fractal.
>>i tend to agree.
>>that wave movie you sent is lookin fractal too...
>>then the trick will be to sychronize the fractalized with the musical
>>>we are preparing to use fractal elements
>>>in our experiments with the chaos theory.
>>>from our webpage featuring acoustic experiments with the chaos theory
>>>we are going to turn the theme song into a multimedia production.
>>>part of the vision includes using fractal generation
>>>to the beat of the music.
>>>(kinda like: the pulsing psychadelic backgroundsof the late sixties)
>>>as we are fractal idiots we could use some of your help.
>>>i can import *.avi *.mov *.fli *.flc *.flm
>>>and others, into my video editing software, adobe premiere
>>>please let me know if you can be of any assistance
>>----------------------- Headers --------------------------------
>>From capn@membrane.com Mon Feb 17 21:04:37 1997
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>>Date: Mon, 17 Feb 1997 21:04:19 -0500
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>>To: Jemezs@aol.com
>>Subject: fractal