rebecca is a penn state student.
she is into drama.
she is willing to organize friends and a shoot for
the man over there
or another labyrinth video segment.
what do we need??
>X-POP3-Rcpt: capn@lyonesse
>Date: Mon, 2 Dec 1996 14:40:03 -0600
>X-Sender: aac875@RAMAIL.ANGELO.EDU (Unverified)
>From: rebecca <>
>Subject: Re: The movie
>yes I know some people who would like to do this. and I can get access to a
>camara and maybe some lighting stuff. I don't know what eles they have but
>if you let me know what I need I think i can get it..
>for some love is just a word..but for others it is the pass word into their
>the only true tragedy in life, is losing one's meaning in life, or.....never
>finding it in the first place.
>check out the homepage: http:\\ "T" is a