Satisfaction Surveys
Firm Evaluation
Ballot Processing
Directory Order
Data Analysis
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Visual Input Systems Analysts, Inc.
(VISA, Inc.)
Optical Scanning
Systems Integrators Since 1970
The art of optical scanning is now
a science at VISA. Our capabilities, experience and
data processing technology have provided economic,
timely solutions to challenging problems for some of
the world's largest corporations.
What is VISA?
Visual Input systems Analysts, Inc.
(VISA, INC.) is a computer service provider dedicated
to increasing organizational efficiency by using the
latest technology in optical scanning and graphics
VISA specialists apply advanced
programming techniques, computerized graphical
program systems and laser printing devices to design
and process forms such as directories, surveys,
ballots, evaluations and enrollments used to gather
data for automated technology input.
A Reputation for Superior
Since its inception in 1970 VISA
has specialized in the science of optical scanning -
both Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Optical
Mark Recognition (OMR). Under the leadership of
founder and chief executive officer Geoff Dougherty,
one of area's top specialists in OCR, VISA has
refined several key applications for its clients.