Departments and management teams rate other departments/teams on 20-30 items of service. The management report generated indicated to each department head how their quality of service is perceived by employees in their own and in each department. The service quality items are summarized into five overall dimensions of service - Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Tangibles and Empathy.
The survey form requires 32 pages of questions with a header
page for respondent demographics, position, level and department.
VISA professionals have devised an innovative, magnetic tape
driven program to generate multiple page surveys. The scan forms
are generated in sets of 17 double-sided pages, then collated and
stapled. Changes in questions, response positions, etc. are
easily made - composition is routine data entry vs. major printer
setup procedures which can be costly.
Customer Reference - Chemical Bank Delaware
Individualized ballots for memberships with complex
geographical and organizational requirements are easily met.
VISA's laser printed ballots contain the member's name and
address in the tear-off top portion of the ballot (which can be
as large as 8 1/2" x 14"). The contests for which the
member is eligible to vote are custom printed on the form. The
candidates' names are evenly rotated within their respective
contests to provide "equal access" to the top of the
Customer Reference - New Jersey Education Association
- American Cancer Society
Partners rate the performance of the associates with whom
he/she has worked for the year. VISA generates a set of
personalized rating sheets for the firm's associates for each of
the partners. Records are sorted and laser printed into
pre-identified sets for optimum distribution. The associate
number and partner number are "litho-coded" into the
form for positive identification. After scanning the completed
sheets, VISA generates a complete set of evaluation reports and
graphs. Typical turnaround time is one or two days.
Customer Reference - Ballard
Spahr Andrews and Ingersoll
Composition and laser printing of single sheet course
evaluation forms can generated rapidly. As an example, VISA
specialists generated 500 evaluations in four days then scanned
and cross tabulated the results in a few days of receipt of the
returned rating sheets. This project using traditional printing
technology would have ben cost prohibitive.
Customer Reference - CEI, Inc.
VISA generates for each employee a personalized, optically
Scannable form that reflects their current benefits options. The
form is encoded with a serial number and bar code to allow both
scanner and data entry personnel to match the form with a
particular employee record. Any of the dependents covered by the
employee's current benefit options are also pre-printed on the
firm. The system prints only the options that are applicable to
that individual. Once the form is returned and processed by VISA,
the employee receives a confirmation statement for verification.
Customer Reference - Meridia Health Systems Inc.
One-page self-mailers are generated, tri-folded and mailed.
Orders can be sorted via geographic territory, etc. Existing
customer order history is easily included on the order form if
required. Changing either existing standing orders or updating
new orders is accommodated and customer data records are updated
upon scanning.
Customer Reference - Bell Atlantic
© 1996 Copyright Visual Input Systems Analysts, Inc.