Example of an Unsolicited Email

Following is a unsolicited email sent to us from ShopNonProfit. Please click here for the homepage to this study.


A visitor to our site requested us to tell you about ShopNonProfit.org.

At ShopNonProfit a percentage of every purchase is donated to the Non-Profit Organization of your choice. Support organizations like GreenPeace, Coop America and Amnesty International.

Shop at the stores like GreenMarketPlace, Abundant Earth, Teva, Birkenstock as well as mainstream stores like Amazon, Borders, CDNOW, etc. and create a dontation for your favorite Non-Profit Organization.


Shop at the stores you typically patronize and automatically support your cause with no additional cost to you. It is easy and it benefits everyone.

Shop NonProfit is founded on the belief that most people want to support their preferred causes, but find their time or resources limited. Shop NonProfit combines the explosive economic growth of the Internet with supporting causes that promote peace, environmental awareness, equality, human rights, animal rights, education and more.

Suggest a Merchant or a Non-Profit Organization: mailto:suggestions@shopnonprofit.org

Thank you for your consideration. www.ShopNonProfit.org

P.S. Pass this message along to anyone who may be interested. a-2


Your email address was entered into our Tell-A-Friend program by someone who wanted you to know about this site. This a one-time courtesy message. TO BE REMOVED FROM ANY TELL-A-FRIEND MAILINGS, CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW http://www.shopnp.com/cgibin/unsub.cgi?

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