Members share in SEVENTY SPECIAL MASSES offered at the Shrine for their intentions, once each week and inclusion in a Special Novena of Masses during March, June and December each year. Deceased members also share in these Masses.
Each Guild Member also receives four times a year a copy of the St. John Neumann Newsletter.
Purpose of the Guild:
To unite and direct the efforts and prayers of those interested in St. John Neumann and to pool their spiritual and material help in increasing his influence and his intercession with God.
Members are encouraged to recite prayers invoking St. John Neumann's intercession and, when they have the opportunity, to visit and pray at his tomb. Financial contributions are used to support our Shrine projects, such as literature, advertising, daily Radio Rosary program, daily Dial-A-Phone message, for office expenses, etc.
Annual Membership: $10.00
Life Membership (Family) $50.00
Please print out this form and send to:
National Shrine of St. John Neumann
1019 North Fifth St. Phila. Pa 19123
I am enclosing $...............................for
___Annual Membership, $10.00 each year
___Life Membership (Family), $50.00
in the Saint John Neumann Guild and for subscription to the Saint John Neumann Newsletter.
Kindly Print
Additional Members:
...................................................... ...........................................................
Amount: ..................................................... Amount: .............................................. ____________________________________________________________________________ We Might suggest Guild enrollment as an excellent gift for your sick to assure them of participation in 70 Masses at St. John Neumann's Shrine during the course of the year. And also as a Christmas, Easter, Anniversary or Birthday Gift.
National Shrine of St. John Neumann
1019 North Fifth Street
Philadelphia Pennsylvania 19123, USA